Dickson College Appeal Process

Step 1: Classroom Teacher Review

  1. Student requests teacher review verbally or in writing within five days of the results being published.
  2. Classroom teacher meets with student.
  3. Student identifies area of disagreement.
  4. Classroom teacher assesses the identified area and provides additional feedback. If the teacher’s remarked score show discrepancy of more than 5% of the original score, it will be moderated by a second teacher.
  5. Feedback is communicated to student. Student keeps the remarked score whether their score decrease or increase.
  6. Teacher notifies student of next steps which are:
    1. The student accepts the feedback and outcome.
    2. The student can contact the SLC of the faculty.

Step 2: SLC Review

  1. Student appeals to SLC of the faculty area within five school days of the teacher’s review decision being communicated to the student.
    For the final assessment period of year 12, Students should seek the SLC review within one school day of the teacher’s review decision being communicated to the student.
  2. SLC informs student that their grade may decrease, increase or stay the same. Student signs declaration and identifies area of disagreement in writing and on the marked assessment or rubric.
  3. SLC may assign another teacher as the reviewer or reviews themselves. If the teacher and the SLC are the same person, another SLC should review the result.
  4. Assigned teacher conducts review de-identified if possible* and assesses the identified area.
  5. Reviewed outcome will be communicated by SLC.
  6. Following the head of department’s decision, the student’s option to seek a School Appeal, and any relevant deadlines, must be communicated in writing to the student.

Step 3: School Appeal

  1. Student formally lodges a school appeal in writing to the principal within five days of the SLC review decision being communicated to the student.
    For the final assessment period of year 12, students should submit a school appeal within two school days of the head of department’s review decision being communicated to the student. 
  2. Principal or delegate facilitates an external review by establishing a School Appeal Committee (Section
  3. Review is conducted and the principal is notified of the outcome.
  4. Outcome and next steps are communicated to student by the principal or delegate.

Step 4: BSSS Review

Students who have gone through a school based appeal process, may appeal to the Board.

See BSSS policy and procedure manual (Section 7.3.1) for more information on the appeal process. https://www.bsss.act.edu.au/data/assets/pdf_file/0004/511078/_P_and_P_Manual_2023.pdf

*In the case of recorded oral presentations, films, and performances, de-identifying the assessment may not be possible. However, the mark and score will not be passed on to the second teacher reviewing the work.

BSSS Review Form (PDF)